Lego skyscraper instructions

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This saves time, money, and allows you to buy the exact parts needed for the build. Each download comes with a file, which can easily be uploaded to to order the exact parts you need. No bricks are included - only digital instructions - but ordering parts is EASY! We don’t sell parts, it’s cheaper for you to source your own. Logos & Stickers can be made following these tips. Your purchase is delivered via email with a link to download the files, no shipping required (please download on desktop or laptop computer)! Each download includes a PDF Instructions File, and a Parts File for easy ordering from. I nstructions are easy to read, use visuals, and follow normal building steps just like real Set Instructions! Number of parts depends on how many floors you add to the tower!.

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It is the classic style for LEGO Skyscrapers, and also allows for a floor-less build (which saves money on the interior as well) Window style is solid brick, which saves you money.Designed By: Lobby area landscaping included in these instructions!.

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